This will be our first formal celebration so I'm actually pretty excited. On Saturday morning, we are having a champagne brunch at a cute bistro to celebrate the fact that I'm FINALLY getting married. Since these ladies know how to throw a party, I can't wait to see what they have up their sleeves. Aside from asking me about possible wedding colors, I have no idea what the theme is, etc...
The invite had an adorable little message and included this picture of Mark and I on the front (please note that my handsome fiance' HATES having his picture taken):
They actually put another version of this picture in the front of our invite that had been drawn on using Microsoft Paint. It was flipping HILARIOUS - I'll try to scan it in later - and I almost wet myself upon opening the card. They hid the real picture behind it so at first I honestly thought they had sent it to everyone. This is just the kind of thing they would do to me, after all.
There. Now you have proof that I'm excited about something slightly wedding-related. Baby steps, my steps. ;o)
A photo of CL.
Is this a stand in or is this really the guy in the cowgirl blouse?
:) You two are a beautiful couple!
Hahaha! Yes, it's actually the guy in the cowgirl blouse! I know, I have deprived you of photos of him on my other site, but I really do want to protect his innocence. Er, I mean respect his PRIVACY. ;o) Since this blog is all about our impending nuptuals though, and isn't attached to my blog filled with embarrassing ramblings about how nutso I am, I am more willing to share information about him.
Hee hee...thanks for the laugh!! And for coming on here. YAY!
Darling, I LOVE me some wedding talk. When I get married again to some lucky bastard, I will have an extra blog too. ;)
"Me" said exactly what "I" wanted to say:
You are an absolutely beautiful couple!
maybe you should stop at exit 41 on I-69 N on your way back and say hi........
AND to show me the person...
Well hello there, Mrs. B!! This is so exciting!! I love this blog!!! Fabulous idea and don't be pissed if you show up at my wedding and notice that half the shit in there has been borrowed from this blog!! lol. (totally kidding. My wedding will be at a club, with glowsticks as the bouquets!)
YAY! A photo! And a real name. I'm not sure what to do with all of this info! Apparently my answer is to overuse exclamation points. I'm so excited to read all about it. I didn't realize I was a girl about weddings until my college roommate started buying bride mags. Even though neither of us were getting married. We'd sit for hours with those things. I even have a file of a few things I ripped out. This is going to feed my obsession :)
I love love love this picture of you two :-) you guys are absolutely the most adorable two I tell ya!! :-)
Hope you have/had a great weekend and enjoyed the wonderful party :-)
Me: GOOD, because I'm going to need all the help I can get, so get ready to give me some serious feedback, woman! ;o)
Dawn: Thank you! I certainly think we are cute, but that's my job, right? Ha!
Brie: Oh MAN, I would have LOVED to meet up with you, but we got on the road so freaking late that we got home at 1am...I'm a tired cranky girl today! :o( NEXT time!
Jill: Haha! Oh man, your wedding is going to be a freaking BLAST!!! YAY!
Meeks: Hee are hilarious! Sorry if I overloaded you with new information (and pictures). ;o) Since this is your obsession, you know I'm going to be looking to you for some serious guidance, right??? Ha!
Kelly: Thank you!! We DID have a great weekend...we're very lucky!
You two are just adorable!!
I can't believe I JUST NOW noticed that this exists! What's wrong wtih me??
*** oh, I know, I'm in wedding la-la land too ***
your last post spoke to me: I was never a girly wedding kind of girl and I avoid the magazines for that reason!! When I tried dresses on, it was a different story! Yes, it was still difficult... but you've gotta see how those things make you look before you judge them!! There is something nice about the idea of being a princess for a day... good luck!!!
Let me know if you need a wedding sanity intervention!!!
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